Sunday, October 28, 2012

Worst Thing in the World, No. 2

I wrote about the number one worst thing in the world back in July. Now it's time for the second worst thing in the world (which is related to number one.) A sick baby. Especially a crying, sick baby, while I am at work and Papa Bear is in a meeting and the Bear is at home with a babysitter for the first time! GAH!

At 2:00pm Friday afternoon Mike called me for the second time at work and said that Aki Bear wasn't eating, was extremely fussy and wasn't sleeping so well. He didn't have a very good night either. He's got a head cold which we all have gotten...his seems to be moving more slowly than ours did. (This is also another Breast Fed Baby Lie! I was told that he couldn't get sick if I breast fed him.) It's horrible that I can't know what his exact symptoms are. It's heartwrenching that I can't do much about it. Poor guy is suffering. He has been congested for over a week now...some days are better than others. We are giving him a saline rinse, which helps loosen up the mucous, and sucking out any snot with the bulb-thingy:
Sometimes he doesn't seem to mind having that used on him and other times he seems to absolutely despise it. He doesn't seem to mind the saline rinse so much. Once I squirt it up there he get's a little funny expression on his face but he doesn't cry or squirm too much; I think he actually likes the salty flavor. I hate thinking that he is suffering and that his throat might be sore or that his head really hurts or that he's so miserable that he won't eat. Apparently Anna, the babysitter, walked him outside the majority of the time she was there. He wouldn't take the bottle for her either. When Mike got back from his meeting he was finally able to give the boy the bottle, and he drank the entire thing! I wish I could be at two places at one time...or just have a choice and be at home with him rather than at work. Thankfully he has a good fat layer that can hold him over for a few weeks if he decides not to eat for awhile. Just kidding. Bleh.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Kavi caught a cold in NY too and we've been usign the humidifier in her room with a little bit of Vicks and it did the trick. She was congested and miserable for the first day and was a lot better the following mornign once we plugged in the humidifier. Hope he feels better soon!
