Thursday, November 13, 2014


Umm, excuse me, monkey boy.
Stan B loves food (he often calls it foodie) and loves to eat (most of the time). He still has his days where he won't eat anything or will be EXTREMELY picky, i.e. he won't eat something if it's not in a little bowl; he wants a particular fork; if you put it in a big bowl and he wants a little bowl so you transfer it to a little bowl he will often be stubborn and still not eat because the big bowl must have had cooties or something. We have finally gotten tough and told him that he can eat it with the fork that he has or the bowl that he has, it won't make much difference in the flavor of the may change the experience, but not the flavor. I don't often get perturbed anymore if he doesn't eat. Remember this story? Yeah, that hasn't happened since then. I now will say, "O.K. you don't have to eat." If he asks for something like a treat I tell him that he can't have a treat until he eats his dinner. One night I let him have a pb & j instead of what we ate - I was weak. :) Most of the time he has fun with food...and not just by eating it.

One of his favorites is quesadillas. For a while he would grab the tortillas and cheese from the fridge and bring it to me and say, "Deela!"
He loves to help make food. Here we are rolling out some home made pie crust for a quiche we were going to make the next day:

I let him play with the extra bits because it feels so good to mould in your hands.
He loves yogurt. He'll eat it plain or with fruit. Sometimes I will drizzle some honey on it. I think I should do a yogurt face compilation video:

yogurt face
 He loves loves loves pancakes and waffles. He'll often wake up in the morning and say, "PANCAKES!" One night he ate 2 pancakes for dinner, plus an apple, plus what we were having for dinner. Growth spurt? Yes, I think so.

Here he and Papa are making pancakes.
Here he is snacking on a cold pancake midday.
We started a garden in August and he loved helping me sow seeds. He also enjoys helping me pick lettuce and he helped cut these green onions that we regrew from the roots from a bunch we got from the store:

Green onions from the garden.
Our garden. I think I will need to plant them a bit earlier next year as the snow peas just started to flower before the frost.
Luckily we were able to harvest our lettuce.
Garden lettuce.
He won't always eat a salad (sometimes he will, but it's not his favorite). In the summer we ate a lot of cobb salads and I noticed that he would have a hard time with the lettuce so I made him a special salad minus the lettuce, plus some raspberries and hummus:

On Saturdays when the farmer's market was still going on he would say, "Downtown! Peaches!" And if it was Saturday we'd head down and get a peach. If it wasn't Saturday I would explain to him that he'd have to wait and show him the calendar to count the days. Here he is devouring a peach:

Ice Cream. We don't give this to him very often because he turns into this crazed person that we don't recognize. Here he is licking the ice cream bowl clean:

Look at that bottom lip!
 Some salads he really likes. Here he is eating right out of the bowl while I'm still making it:

There are so many fruit trees with fallen fruits. If we see any good looking dropped fruits we will grab them. 

Just like when I was a kid he loves nori which is dried and salted seaweed. I swear, this is a magic food. He will eat it plain:

If he isn't eating dinner I can wrap almost anything in it and he will eat it. The strangest thing I've wrapped was pasta...and he ate it. This day, for snack he wrapped crackers, raspberries and grapes in nori. I think it's because it's a fun food to eat with your fingers...He loves eating burritos which are also wrapped and you eat them with your hands.

grapes with nori...
Here the boys are making me my birthday dinner. Stan B knows that onions can make people cry and everytime I pull an onion out he does his fake cry.

This day he got into the sour cream (to fisted) thinking it was yogurt...but he still ate it like a crazed yogurt eater that he is:

Here we are making cookies:

I let him lick the mixers:

This is his excited pose and face:

Yay for food!

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of him making pancakes with Mike and his expression with the cookie making.
    Do you think you should get some sort of child-proof lock for the refrigerator so he doesn't accidentally lock himself in.......?
    I love how you learn from your mistakes...amazing person, you!!
