Tuesday, May 19, 2015

His Best Toys

Mike and I were talking the other day about some of the Bear's best toys. Best toys meaning long lasting - toys that he has come back to over and over again. Also best toys meaning cheap and unexpected or already on hand, like Mike's red exercise ball. The cheap/on-hand toys besides the ball are boxes and bubble wrap.

The long lasting toys that he goes back to again and again are his yellow dumptruck that I got for $2.99, and his little push truck that was handed down to him from one of my former co-workers; he loves that thing. And any toys that he uses to dig in the sand or mud = cups, shovels, spoons, sticks. That is all we will ever need.

1 comment:

  1. YES! Some of us never realize what little inexpensive things are just the ticket.
